materials show promise for green technologies:
The Manchester researchers led by
Professor Andre Geim and Dr. Marcelo Lozada-Hidalgo found that one-atom thick
materials like graphene are highly permeable to protons, nuclei of hydrogen
atoms. However, they also found that other 2-D materials such as molybdenum
sulphide (MoS2), that were just three atoms thick, were completely impermeable
to protons. These results suggested that only one-atom thick crystals could be
permeable to protons. Protons can easily
permeate through few-layered micas despite the fact that they are 10 times
thicker than graphene. Micas, like graphite, consist of crystal layers stacked
on top of each other and can be sliced down to a single layer. The team
isolated one of these layers and found that it was 100 times more permeable to
protons than graphene. At first glance, this result seems impossible because
micas are too thick for protons to permeate—they are much thicker than
monolayer MoS2 that is completely impermeable to protons. However, micas can be
thought of as crystal slabs pierced by tubular channels. These channels aren't
empty but filled with hydroxyl groups that are like the proton-conducting
one-dimensional chains in water. Protons jump along these chains, turning the
material into an excellent proton conductor.
The research team found that proton conductivity in
atomically-thin micas is 10 to 100 times higher than in graphene. It is
encouraging because graphene is already being considered as a promising proton
conducting material. Research results show micas could be even more
promising—not least because they are abundant and inexpensive. The researchers
also found that micas become particularly highly conductive in a temperature
range that has been notoriously inaccessible for the related technologies.
Source: Nano Magazine
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